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Polymer Week

For some people, creativity is something you can't get or learn, but to be a creative person, you must be born as such.

That's the case of the artist Olga Purygina, a mother of two sons who has occupied herself with art of all kinds since being a child. During her life, she's tried many techniques, such as embroidery, knitting, drawing, beading, and sewing, but she was mainly astounded by creating from polymer.

Besides that, Olga also engages herself in making graphic and artistic designs as she's studied both. However, she received the highest level of education in teaching and translation.

It was a complete coincidence that she chanced upon polymer clay in 2009 on the Internet, where she found jewelry with motifs of cakes, and she knew right away that it was just what she wanted to do all her life! Therefore, she started finding more information about this artistic medium, but it was almost impossible to find any at that time in Russia. Also, not many courses were held, so Olga had to learn everything by herself.

At first, she engaged herself in jewelry making with motifs of candy and transferred pictures. Years went by, and not only in Russia but also all around the world, the popularity of polymer was growing at a rapid rate. Much more courses were organized, and new technologies and tools were developed. According to her words, Olga herself tried many kinds of various realizations, from decorating dishes to creating characters. Nevertheless, she returned to what had brought her to the polymer at first - jewelry making. She likes to make earrings and brooches the most, but we also find bracelets and necklaces in her portfolio.

In 2018, she received an unusual order indeed, earrings with motifs of claws. As she loves the sea and everything related, she was excited. And that's how her cooperation with a seafood restaurant in Moscow started, lasting successfully for four years now. During that time, she created over 200 pairs of these earrings that required a lot of work and cost her many sleepless nights. But it was worth it!

Polymer clay has been Olga's great love for 13 years now and is growing every year. Still, she's not sure what direction to take in her creation. Perhaps, she should be making unusual jewelry, creating characters, or dealing with the theme of the marine world. Who knows? There's no other choice than to experiment!



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