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Polymer Week

Alessia Bodini is a 47 years old artist from Milan, Italy. She has been working her entire life in the publisher houses and as a teacher however maybe thanks to her artistic background she has always been interested in art as well.

Alessia discovered polymer clay about ten years ago and because her mind was always creative it was a love at the first sight. Since then she has developed a great passion for this form of expression. For her, the polymer clay is the perfect medium to express her creativity. Alessia started to work with polymer clay by making jewellery.

“The characteristics of the polymer clay - it is colorful, light, resistant and absolutely versatile - make it the best medium to follow the creative process from the beginning to the end, from the initial idea to the realized artwork,” says Alessia and continues: ”In making jewelry, I like to experiment with new techniques, shapes, “movement”, unusual findings and the endless possibilities that this incredible material allows you to explore. When your finished project realizes your idea or when you discover something unexpected and beautiful that’s a great feeling,” shares her thoughts about working with polymer Alessia.

She is visiting all sorts of polymer clay workshops to gain more experiences to increase her love and understanding of this medium. And always gives a credit to all those wonderful artists she learns from.

Polymer clay also allowed her to come back to the world of wall art, which has always been a great passion of Alessia who started to make paintings, first on wood, then, after many experiments, she decided to create them on canvas.

“I saw it was possible and I liked the idea of making paintings on canvas using both polymer clay and acrylic paint,” says Alessia.

To make the paintings, as well as for jewelry, the favorite polymer clay technique is clay extrusions as according to Alessia there is an element of unpredictability in them.

“I can choose the colors, but I know that some of them will emerge randomly. This makes extrusions very intriguing from an artistic point of view, in my opinion,” says Alessia. “I use them as if they were paint strokes, flexible, but able to come up from the canvas, also creating a 3D effect.”

Each and every project is a challenge for Alessia. From small pieces with incorporated polymer clay to larger canvases which require more concentration for the composition. Which is great because what else is art than the source of passion, challenge, joy or life itself? It brings emotions, meditation, connection to something bigger than us. Art is a wonderful state of mind to be and we are very grateful we can join all this with you.



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