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Polymer Week

"I am an illustrator and creator of objects,” says Marlen Migdalska who focuses on many different techniques and materials, among them also polymer clay.

“I like to express myself through digital drawing, painting, or traditional embroidery, papier-mâché or polymer clay that I fell in love in my fourteen, when I discovered salt dough and then polymer, since that passion to create has never left me.”

Marlen was born in Poland and her childhood was full of fantastic stories and tales, which left their marks in her imagination and still influence her. Looking at her artwork, you simply get a feeling of being in a fairytale while escaping your own reality.

Working as a freelance designer and illustrator of children’s books, Marlen also devotes her time to renovating a little chapel that will welcome creative people for workshops and making art: “Three years ago me and my husband bought an old house. In our garden there was previously a beautiful castle but was destroyed during the revolution. To be honest, with two young children the whole project has been a huge challenge, but I do hope we will find a way to finance the rest of the renovation and organize first workshops for children and people with Alzheimer disease,” says Marlen.

Marlen, who also specializes in pedagogy and psychology, found working with people with mental disabilities very important. “I got involved in various associations and it turned out to be a decisive step in the choice of my studies. Until recently I worked as an art therapist and facilitator in different structures for the elderly with Alzheimer disease,” explains Marlen who already found her way of art, her passion, and life mission.

She combines many passions together and we are simply speechless when realizing there is so much more Marlen does in her daily life. “I have always liked to create with my characters a kind of illusion, and a few years ago, by combining another passion of mine, a photography, I started to do volume illustrations,” Marlen told us about those cute 3D pictures combining her clay art, illustrations and working with volume together.

We are keeping our fingers crossed that life will continue treating you well, Marlen. Can’t wait to see your next chapter after finishing the renovation. You can support Marlen on her Instagram or blog where she writes about her colorful daily life.



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