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Polymer Week

When it comes to polymer clay and slabs, it seems like everyone is creating them when looking at Instagram feed. It’s true that with new faces in our community, many beginners and enthusiasts grabbed the first interesting thing in polymer, got inspired by each other and started creating these kinds of decorative three dimensional patterns.

One of them is Abby from Love Athena, whose work is different. Her polymer clay slabs are precise, with fresh ideas and in modern graphic style often incorporating fruits, flowers, animals and other motifs.

“I was born and raised in the Philippines and with my husband we migrated to the United States four years ago,” says Abby who used to be a motion graphics artist and did some 2d flat animation for big and small companies back in her home country. That explains her current artwork a lot.

It’s not been a long since Abby got the clay in her hands for the first time: “My polymer clay journey started in July 2020 during the pandemic. I’m a stay at home mom so I thought maybe I could make earrings and try to sell them, somehow help my husband with our finances, and see if it will be a success,” she explains. Since then she has attracted more than five thousands of followers on her Instagram account, which is a great success.

“The feeling of being fulfilled after you made your first floral design was a big sigh! But beyond those happy moments, doing this craft taught me to have a loooooot of patience,” says Abby who adds that you have to try again and again if there’s a technique or texture or look that you’re aiming for that you can’t make at the moment.

Abby has a lot of plans for her small business but working and creating is hard for her as having two children can be a lot. “I can only work on my pieces when it’s peaceful and quiet, and during nap times,” she says. Abby wants to explore more in what she can do with polymer clay and we can’t wait to see her new creations.



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