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Polymer Week

Article written by Delia Gerendi

When observing the polymer clay guilds across Europe, it strikes me that they resemble beehives, buzzing with constant activity, from events to workshops. Looking at this vibrant scene from tranquil Romania, the image is mesmerizing.

The Romanian polymer clay community is akin to a sprout, tentatively stretching its stem and delicately extending its branches towards the light.

As a leader of Polymer Clay Guild Romania I set my mission to bring the culture of workshops and creative gatherings into my country also. While the Romanian polymer clay community has already made remarkable progress, there's a shared aspiration to widen its horizons even further. At its core, this desire for growth is driven by a profound appreciation for the benefits of creative workshops and events, which have the potential to elevate not only the craft but also the spirits of those involved.

Good friends, brought together by their creative tendencies and love for polymer clay, Annamária Vrzáčková and Ildikó Tank Szigeti shared a dream: to promote and introduce the love of polymer clay to more people by organizing an event to help them transform this dream in reality. Living in Prague, Annamária had the advantage of organizing and participating in courses by Czech artists and instructors from abroad. Together with Ildikó, she founded the first annual event dedicated to polymer clay jewelry making workshops.

The first Carpat Clay Festival should have taken place in Oradea in the spring of 2020. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the entire event had to be rethought and organized online. It took a sustained effort for everyone involved, both the organizers and the instructors, to make a change and suddenly learn how to use Zoom, how to change the methodology and make sure that the participants feel like they attend the course in person. Of course, moving to the online platform had the advantage of being able to reach more people and also offered the possibility to record the courses. The following Festivals in 2021 and 2022 took place in Oradea, and participants had the opportunity to attend workshops in person.

This year, with the support of Polymer Week, Cernit, Fimo and Sculpey, on July 29-30, the fourth edition of the Carpat Clay Festival was organized, an event larger than the ones that have taken place so far. Along with Ildikó and Annamária, Tünde Vass and myself joined the team as instructors, bringing our unique expertise and creativity to the festival.

I met Annamária, Ildikó and Tünde in October 2022, in Prague, and destiny had a plan none of us could have anticipated. We found ourselves gathered in a cozy space, brought together by a shared curiosity for Marina Burianova's 'Enigma' workshop. It was an instant match. Our hopes and dreams seemed to resonate on the same frequency, laying the foundation for an unforgettable collaboration. All the details for the 2023 Carpat Clay Festival were discussed then, during one evening, over a bottle of wine and delicious Czech food.

The event took place during an entire weekend, beginning with my project, “Mystic Necklace”. Looking back and remembering those days, a large smile settles upon my face. So many happy memories! The event was such a huge success, exceeding all my expectations. But back then, on that Saturday, the first day of the event, I was terrified!

As I prepared to step into the role of an instructor for the first time, my hands shook, my voice quivered, and it felt like my brain was playing a game of 'hide and seek' with the words it was supposed to provide. Three instructors and twelve eager attendees gathered around my table, their curious gazes fixed on the tools and jars full of colored powders. It was a mix of seasoned artists and newcomers to the world of polymer clay. For half of the students it was their very first encounter with this medium.

One of the most challenging aspects of the Carpat Clay Festival was the constraint of time. Each instructor had just four hours to guide students through a complete project. This limitation meant we had to carefully select projects that not only showcased the versatility of polymer clay but also could be accomplished within this tight timeframe.

As a devotee of mica powder and vibrant pigments, I chose a project that I believed held the potential for stunning results with little technical complexities. Our quest was to slowly reveal the infinite faces of polymer clay to our students, so I chose a theme revolving around the creative interplay of just two ingredients: black polymer clay and mesmerizing mica powder.

What truly delighted me was witnessing the students' immediate enthusiasm and creativity. As I unveiled 'the secret' behind the project, a wave of inspiration surged through the room. Each student brought their unique artistic vision and originality to the table. It's a joy for any instructor to witness when people take an idea and run with it, transforming it into something uniquely their own.

Among the students we had the pleasure of welcoming Noortje Kuhlman, who drove from the Netherlands to join us. I met Noortje in Liege, where we were both students of Delphine Vignoble’s whimsical “Funny Face” workshop. Our mischievous nature made us bond instantly, and I was overjoyed when she decided to come to Romania. The day before Noortje arrived at Oradea the city was struck by a terrible storm, which left havoc in its path. Take a closer look at the jewelry Noortje created: she used some pieces of broken glass she found near her hostel, transforming her jewelry into wearable tales of resilience and beauty rising from chaos.

The anxiety I felt during the morning slowly dissipated as I walked among the tables, capturing the intricate details of each attendee's creations through my camera lens. Everybody emanated enthusiasm and laughter filled the air as everyone admired and celebrated each other's artistry. The joyful atmosphere was contagious and in no time it felt like we’ve known each other for a lifetime.

As lunchtime approached, I was pleasantly surprised by my diligent students' creativity. Not only had they completed their necklaces, but they had also crafted matching earrings—a feat I hadn't initially planned for, thinking we wouldn't have enough time. Their dedication and talent proved me wrong in the most delightful way.

During the two days of the festival, the whole group had lunch together, indulging in delicious ‘sarmale in clay pot’, skilfully cooked by Mihaela Olah, also one of the festival attendees. Sarmale, or cabbage roll, is a dish in Romanian cuisine consisting of fermented cabbage leaves wrapped around a filling traditionally made with pork, beef, bacon, rice, spices and aromatics, broiled in a tomato sauce and served with sour cream and spicy pickled peppers. The “sarmale” were slowly cooked during the night and the clay pot was wrapped in blankets to keep them warm until lunch time. None of us could resist the flavorful allure, and the clay pot was left gleaming clean two days in a row.

Tunde’s project took the attendees to another level, guiding them deeper into the mysteries of polymer clay. We commenced with exploring gradients, gradually building the foundation of our creations and then we dived into the imprevisible “crackle technique”, using a heat gun.

We created colorful bangles, matching earrings and pendants.

Do you believe she spared the attendees the arduous pain of sanding? Nope! We sanded the pieces until they were smooth and shiny and buffed them to perfection.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the first day of the festival ended with a delightful raffle. Our generous sponsors had showered us with an array of gifts, making each attendee feel like a cherished guest. Polymer Week Magazines, textures and stamps signed by the talented Lucie Štruncová, polymer clay and jewelry handcrafted by the instructors themselves graced the tables. But it was the sight of our students opening 'A New Generation of Polymer Clay,' a book brimming with exquisite tutorials, that truly warmed our hearts. Their faces lit up with awe and in that moment we realized that the true treasures of the day were the bonds we'd forged and the knowledge we'd shared.

The second day of the festival commenced with Annamaria's workshop, a kaleidoscope of creativity where each element of the necklace we crafted was a unique blend of shapes and colors.

The students were introduced to another way of achieving the crackle effect, using alcohol inks and texture stamps.

Alongside, new elements were introduced into our creative arsenal, including translucent clay, vibrant metallic acrylic paints and an array of meticulously crafted handmade stamps.

The fourth workshop revealed to our attendees an ingenious method of making large, impressive hollow beads. Ildiko has a skill for teaching and her precise explanations sent us all running to our tables, eager to recreate the steps she showed us.

We sprinkled our creations with glitter and colorful pigments and we felt like children, playing and laughing together. Looking at the faces of our attendees it was hard to believe that we were marching towards the end of a two day claying marathon. Now when I think about it, I realize that it was not really a marathon, but a sprint. Nevertheless, everybody was happy and dopamine was flowing.

Everybody was amazed by the lightness and elegance of the jewelry sets we created.

The festival culminated in a joyous ceremony where diplomas were distributed, and the creations we had collectively crafted were proudly showcased. It was a moment of immense satisfaction and pride for both instructors and students alike. However, our greatest joy was witnessing the boundless enthusiasm and radiant smiles of our students. Their unanimous declaration of eagerly awaiting the next edition of the festival warmed our hearts.

The success of the festival was like a wakening call for the Romanian polymer clay community. The pictures taken during the event and shared on social media made the members of Polymer Clay Guild Romania thirsty for more gatherings. Our journey continues with a new workshop in Brașov, where I will once again reveal the secrets of the 'Mystic Necklace.'

Creative workshops have a magical way of not only nurturing artistic skills but also forging deep bonds among participants. As we come together to learn, collaborate and create, we find ourselves on a shared path of artistic exploration and friendship. We will continue to share our love for polymer clay with people who want to spend some time pushing their creativity further. The fifth edition of Carpat Clay Festival will take place in Oradea, Romania, in July 2024, with the same team of instructors.

At this moment, Carpat Clay Festival is the largest Romanian workshop event created for the polymer clay artisans. Join us! Let's create amazing things and have fun together!



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