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Polymer Week

The internet and social media are full of sculptors and makers who love to create movie characters from polymer clay. Sometimes we have deep conversations in our team about what is kitsch and what we can call an art.

The boundary between these two is really thin and usually stands on one’s subjective opinion. But to be honest, this artist’s work caught our attention! Let us introduce you to Elina Avchukhova from Moscow, Russia.

Seven years ago she fell in love with polymer clay and since then she has made a huge progress in her art. “To put it mildly, I'm focused on detail! And I constantly want to improve and grow,” she says full of enthusiasm.

On one figurine she spends on average from 20 to 40 hours of work and the passion in realism in her pieces is exactly what makes her different. Her artwork makes you think, makes you search for more information, makes you stop to give the piece your attention. This is what great art does.

We met Elina on Instagram and to be honest, while looking at the picture of the Zootopia’s character, we were not sure if it’s made of polymer clay or if we are looking at a 3D animation. Elina is really able to breathe life into her figurines.

When you start to see all that she creates, all those details, textures, the shading and way she works with colors, the way she imitates hair or combines the clay with other materials such as paper or fabric, you realise that Elina is a real master of this kind of art.

“After all, it is a real miracle when a piece of clay, cloth or other material comes to life in your hands!” she says and we are truly excited to see her next piece in the near future.



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